Monday, May 2, 2011

Moving In - The First Weekend

The place is huge. Somehow, with everything in it - it looks BIGGER than we anticipated!

Saturday: Matt had to do Volunteer Day with the school and came home around noon covered in mud. I guess they pulled logs and other garbage out of the creek? And he hadn't packed a thing yet, so we didn't get out of his parent's house until around 1:30, maybe. So I guess we started unloading around 2 and finished at 6:30ish. He and his dad ran back and forth to Tyler's to get my things out of storage and his mother and I moved boxes to their designated rooms (I had an insane numbering system that actually wasn't so insane because it really made life extremely easy!) and started getting the dishes cleaned and away in their cupboards. I took everyone for dinner to thank his mom and dad for letting me live with them for a month and to doubly thank Matt's dad and Matt for doing all the heavy lifting. AKA not grumbling TOO much over how many books I own. Matt and I had grand dreams of getting most of the unpacking done that night. Instead, we put the frame for the mattress together, got the bed all made and promptly went to sleep!

Sunday: We woke up rather late - which was kind of wonderful. I was so sore and had a lovely crick in my neck. Apparently my uber comfortable mattress was just too comfortable after having slept on Matt's hard and springy mattress for a month? But, once I got the dining room table put back together and Matt got Dunkin coffee and breakfast - we were ready to rock and roll. I got the kitchen entirely unpacked, even though it's still a mess. And we worked on getting all of our clothes unpacked. The walk in looks AMAZING! We spent the rest of the day shopping - bought our groceries, a new set of towels and other things from Target (my light blue towels are NOT going to pass the Matt test...) and we got a 40" flat screen from Best Buy! Internet and cable come Tuesday. Very, VERY excited!

We invited Tyler over for dinner to thank him for letting me keep my stuff in his garage and also letting us borrow his truck while he was gone over the weekend. I just made pasta and sauce - nothing too fancy. Although we did enjoy a bottle of Prosecco with the dinner to celebrate the apartment!

Dilemma: We have a big empty space in the bedroom and have no clue what to put there. I wanted to put my armchair there, but it doesn't fit through the door. We tried to brainstorm last night, but the truth of the matter is - filling that space is extremely LOW priority right now.

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